Friday Update

Happy Friday friends!

It's been a busy and fun couple of weeks! Saturday was another fantastic Crafty Supermarket! I almost feel like a skipping record every time I say it... but that show is seriously the best ever. Don't be bummed if you missed it - just mark your calendar for the holiday show on November 28 at Music Hall!

Some of you may have caught me on the Fox Morning Show the week before Crafty, showing Frank Marzullo how to put together a robot box from my DIY kit. So fun! (With awkward robot noises...)

And speaking of the kits, have you purchased one or received one as a gift? I'd love to see how your creations turned out! Please snap a photo and share it on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag: #paperacorndiy Go you! 

Tomorrow Paper Acorn is heading off to Bloomington Indiana for the spring Bloomington Handmade Market. (By the way, you can keep up to date with all of Paper Acorn's events here.) As always, I'm looking forward to seeing my Indy folks!


And now for some Friday fun... Witness The Amazing Speedy Fingers!!  

