Crafty Party!

Oh. My. Goodness. Paper Acorn's Crafty Party on June 26 was a smash! High fives to Sarah for hosting us in her awesome cross stitch shop, The Hoop & Needle. And thanks so much to all the folks who came to test out my DIY papercrafting kits. I learned so much about how people use the kits, and was AMAZED at the fun and creativity they all added to make each piece truly their own! 

 I mean seriously... this guy.

 I mean seriously... this guy.

Now I'm taking what I learned, making a few tweaks, and hope to host another party in the near future. Sign up for the mailing list if you'd like to be kept in the loop for future events!

And if you want to see the rest of the awesomeness that took place at the party, head over to my flickr album here.

See y'all around!

* We make it simple. You make it awesome. *
